The Golden Child

The Golden Child is a 1986 fantasy comedy film directed by Michael Ritchie and starring Eddie Murphy as Chandler Jarrell, who is informed that he is The Chosen One and is destined to save The Golden Child, the savior of all humankind.

In a temple in an unknown location in northeastern Nepal, a young boy with mystical abilities the Golden Child receives badges of station and demonstrates his power to the monks of the temple by reviving a dead eastern rosella, which becomes a constant companion. However, a band of villains led by a mysterious man, Sardo Numspa Charles Dance, breaks into the hidden temple, slaughters the monks and abducts the boy.Some time afterwards, a young woman named Kee Nang Charlotte Lewis watches a Los Angeles TV show in which social worker Chandler Jarrell Eddie Murphy talks about his latest case, a missing girl named Cheryll Mosley. She seeks him out the next day and informs him of the kidnapping of the Golden Child and that he is the Chosen One who would save the Child. Chandler does not take this seriously, even after the astral form of the Child and his bird familiar begin following him. ........

Source: Wikipedia